Background:Surgical correction of bilateral cicatricial upper and lower eyelid ectropion in an ichthyosis patient remains a challenge in clinical practice.Main observations: A 24-year-old female patient presented to our clinic with bilateral upper and lower eyelid ectropion. Her skin over her entire body and face was dry and scaly. The diagnosis was cicatricial ectropion related in a patient with ichthyosis. The upper eyelids were treated by retroauricular full thickness skin grafts and upper eyelid lateral tarsal strip procedure. And lower eyelids were treated by cheek transposition grafts and lower eyelid lateral tarsal strip procedure. The upper and lower eyelids were corrected successfully with these surgical procedures.Conclusions:In patients with ichthyosis skin alterations in the eyelid cause shortening of the anterior lamella, subsequently resulting with ectropion. Successful surgical correction with skin grafts or transposition flaps can be performed to lenghten anterior lamella. Adding lateral tarsal strip procedure to skin grafting helps to maintain a beter lid margin apposition.